5 Films in less than 20 words. No.1

1. Amour (2012): Reminded me of my civilian service. Excellent acting, but the film just didn’t leave a lasting impression.

2. Them! (1954): A-Bombs are bad for your children! The message behind the giant ants and casual misogyny still feels very relevant.

3. Duck Soup (1933): Great slapstick, awful songs. Still, laughed my head off.

4. Modern Times (1936): I love this film! Not only about a film on industrialisation but also on the end of silent films.

5. 300 (2006): Worst film I’ve seen in 2012. There is just one thing that could be worse: a prequal.

2 thoughts on “5 Films in less than 20 words. No.1

  1. I didn’t realize you watched Them! Why haven’t I watched my DVD yet? (Well, I originally wanted to organise a DVD watching social event around it, but that never happened, hm.)

    I guess Azis (the quite antiheteronormative Bulgarian guy) likes 300. A lot. So why don’t you enjoy… the manliness, you innocent human?

    • I watched Them! when it was on Arte some weeks ago. By all means organise a social event around it, that would be great!
      And while I occasionally enjoy manliness, it’s not enough for a whole film. But seeing that Azis disagrees with me, I guess I must be wrong.

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